Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama Needs His Diapers Changed

I have to face facts. Facts are interesting and they do reveal a lot about people, including me. I listen to Right-wing radio and watch Foxnews but I do get out there on the internet for the back story. Fact is, I'm a right-winger. So I needed to dig deeper into the "enemies list" recently established by the White House.

This is what I've found

The "enemies list" the White House has established has been attacked on several levels but what keeps coming up is the childishness and immaturity of the administration. I think this is a fair description of the behavior of David Axelrod, Rahm Emannuel, Anita Dunn, Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama. "Nixonian" is the only way it can be conveyed to those of us who lived through Watergate.

But Nixon at least appeared to be an adult male, angered by what he felt was unfair and undue accusations. Obama and his staff act like petulant children denied a toy or chocolate on demand.

How dare anyone question Camelot redux or as I would call it, "Choc-o-late" by questioning Obama. This guy is a spoiled brat, a pouting, insecure punk. I can't wait to see him throw a tantrum when Jake Tapper asks him a hard question. Yes, I said, Jake Tapper from the All Barack Channel. It's going to happen. I just hope it's soon.

Trying to silence a legitimate news network is tantamount to uh...taking over the auto industry. Or maybe the banking industry. Oh, I forgot, they already did that. Unfortunately for Obama and his puppeteers, there wasn't a Rupert Murdock there to stop them.

Long Live Foxnews.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Prize Musings

I never watched the Seinfeld program while it was in production. Since I'm not into pop culture, I was left in the dust when it came to people discussing the episodes of a show I never saw. I mean, why would I watch a "show about nothing" as it was frequently called? Hell, it was PITCHED as a show about nothing. I have better things to do with my time.
So now I find myself watching a Presidency about Nothing.

This joker got the Nobel prize for essentially DOING NOTHING. This is definitely a Seinfeld moment in history. Jerry Seinfeld speaks well and so does our President when effectively prompted.

This brings us to the question: Who deserves the Nobel Prize more? Jerry Seinfeld or B. Hussein Obama?
Seinfeld has entertained millions, maybe billions of people. Obama has bumbled his way through a few months of a disastrous Presidency. I'd give the prize to Jerry.

Well done Jerry! You deserve the accolades because your "show about nothing" is a damn site better than the cheap circus presided over by Barack Obama.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More Czars. Read It and Weep


16. NANCY ANN DePARLE - Obama's "Health" Czar. Nancy Ann is the former head of the financially troubled Medicare/Medicaid. She is a strong proponent of Health Care rationing and this is understandable when you examine the massive financial deficits incurred under her watch. She is married to a reporter for the financially strapped NY Times...which is every bit as bankrupt in cash assets, as well as being intellectually and morally bankrupt.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama

17. VIVEK KUNDRA - Obama's "Information" Czar. Vivek was born in New Delhi, India. He was discovered operating a 7-11 by Joe Biden. Kundra controls all public information, including labels and news releases. He monitors all private internet emails...and maybe even AOL Message Boards too!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama

18. TODD STERN - Obama's "International Climate" Czar. Todd, who is no relation to Howard, is an anti-business former White House Chief of Staff and a strong supporter of the Kyoto Accord. He is a proponent of Cap and Trade and blames US Businesses for Global Warming, while at the same time overlooking all of the hot air that emanates from Democrats, wherever they may be.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama

19. DENNIS BLAIR - Obama's "Intelligence" Czar. Dennis is retired from the US Navy and is rumored to have posted on AOL Message Boards using the screen name: BobNavy. He stopped a US Guided Missile program because he thought it was "provocative". Bob...I mean...Dennis is Chair of the ultra liberal Council on Foreign Relations which blames American organizations for regional wars. Bob...I mean...Dennis really isn't too smart!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama

20. GEORGE MITCHELL - Obama's "Peace" Czar. George is a former failed senator from Maine and a typical Left Wing radical who has said that Israel should be split up into 2 or 3 more manageable plots. Mitchell was plagiarized recently by Joe Biden who said that Iraq should be split up into 2 or 3 more manageable plots. Being your typical Liberal, George is Anti-Nuclear, anti gun and pro homosexual.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm

21. KENNETH FEINBERG - Obama's "Pay" Czar. Kenny is a former Chief nof Staff to the recently croaked Teddy Kennedy. Feinberg is also a Lawyer who got very rich off the 911 victims payoffs.

Kenneth Feinberg belongs to that 99% of lawyers who give the rest a bad name!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm

22. CASS SUNSTEIN - Obama's "Regulatory" Czar. Sunstein is a Liberal Activist Judge who believes FREE SPEECH needs to be limited for the common good. He frequently rules against personal freedoms like personal gun ownership and believes that Animals should have the right to file lawsuits against their owners. Cass Sunstein is a major league fruit loop!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm

23. JOHN HOLDREN - Obama's "Science" Czar. Holdren is a fierce ideological environmentalist WHACKO!!! He belongs to the looney Sierra Club and is an anti-business activist who claims the US has caused world poverty. John has no Science training and being the "pantload" he is, it's apparent John hasn't finished potty training!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm

24. KEVIN JENNINGS - Obama's "Safe Schools" Czar. Under Kevie, the schools are indeed safe. They're safe for pedophiles and other assorted predators as Kevie has admitted encouraging a 15 year old to participate in a homosexual relationship with an older male school teacher. Will Kevie be the next Obama appointed Czar to resign under cover of darkness? It is the weekend, yanno!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

25. EARL DEVANEY - Obama's "Stimulus Accountability" Czar. Up until now, Earl has spent his career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Earl believes in open borders with Mexico. Undocumented Mexican Aliens are looking forward to Earl giving them "Mucho" Stimulus Dinero.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

26. J. SCOTT GRATION - Obama's "Sudan" Czar. Scottie is a native of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He believes the US does little to help third world countries. Scottie is a member of the Council of foreign relations and is asking for higher US taxes to support the United Nations.

Beam Me Up!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with.

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

27. HERB ALLISON - Obama's "TARP" Czar. Herbie was the Fannie Mae CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up and artificially inflate the US stock market. Herbie caused millions of hard working people to lose their life savings....honest people that will not derive any benefit from stimulus money....including the ones dumb enough to vote for DemocRATS.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

28. JOHN BRENNAN - Obama's "Terrorism" Czar. John is an anti CIA activist and that is why terrorists everywhere applaud this appointment. Brennan has absolutely no training in diplomatic or government affairs...kin of like the inept Obama has NO Executive training or experience. Johnny believes in open borders with Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband the US Military.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with.

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

29. ANEESH CHOPRA - Obama's "Technology" Czar. Aneesh...or "Annie" as he is known in the West Wing mens room...has NO technology training. He recently worked for the "Advisory Board Company" which is a health care think tank for hospitals. Chopra is an anti doctor activist who supports Obamacare, rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the government health care plan.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

30. ADOLFO CARRION jr - Obama's "Urban Affairs" Czar. Adolfo, which is Spanish for appropriate...but I digress... Adlofo is a Puerto Rican anti-American activist and a Leftist Group member in Latin America. He is also a MILLIONAIRE Slum Lord in the Bronx. Dolph owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from "sweetheart" deals with labor unions. "Dolph" wants higher taxes to pay for minority housing (no doubt in his slums) and for free health care...which they already receive!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

31. ASHTON CARTER - Obama's "Weapon's" Czar. Ashton is your typical leftist. He wants ALL private weapons destroyed and supports a UN ban on firearms ownership in America. Carter has no other policy.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

32. GARY SAMORE - Obama's "WMD Policy" Czar. Gary is a former Communist. Who'da thunk it? He want the US to unilaterally destroy all Weapons of Mass Destruction as a show of good faith to our enemies. Of course, he has no other policy.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Give Me Liberty or Give Me a Czar!

Czar Nicholas II

I've got a new name for Obama's Czars. I call them "targets." You all probably thought that Czars were harmless placeholders in the administration. I don't really remember where the practice started but I do recall someone being a "drug czar" years ago.

So some dude with a weird title and no power is going to somehow influence the nation and get all the bad people off of drugs. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. It makes for good sound bites if nothing more. The drug czar says drugs are bad so don't ingest them. That's pretty reasonable however stupid. But like anything in government, Czars have evolved into something more than figureheads.

So along comes the Messiah but he's got a small problem. He's been hanging out with excrement while building a non-record to run on. You know some of them. Bill Ayers, Jerry Wright and Frank Davis and others of that ilk which happens to be HATE AMERICA ilk. Junior wants to stuff his administration/cabinet full of great minds like the aforementioned but he knows he can't get them confirmed in the Senate so he creates the innocuous-sounding czar-ships.

Van Jones is just the tip of a really LARGE iceberg. Most Americans who don't foam at the mouth wouldn't associate with many of Obama's czars. That is, if you have parents or grandparents you want to survive this presidency. Rahm Emanuel's brother Ezekial doesn't want to send your family to a gas chamber so he, along with the Congress, came up with the Death Panels. How nice! Granny needs some new teeth. Screw her! Give a grilled cheese sandwich to gum and a pill to make her feel good. Much cheaper than new dentures. Of course Ezekial is AGAINST euthanasia. Here. Read this. It's long and complicated and you'll probably die of boredom before you finish it. It's about alternatives to living. Talk about change you can believe in!

OK. So I'm all over the map with my healthy hatred for this President and his end-run around the laws of our nation. Czars need to be OUTLAWED. Czars are in place because Obama is in over his head. This guy couldn't run a lemonade stand much less your nation. He's actually smart enough to have a Clint Eastwood moment. "A man's got to know his limitations." He knows he's not capable so he attempted to surround himself with the same kind of people who advised him throughout his life. So now you have Van Jones (Frank Davis Light), Ezekial Emanual (Jeremiah Wright Light) and God knows who running around the White House setting policy for this almost infantile President.

All of this was just preamble. I'm getting ready to retire and I want a new job. Are there any Czar openings available?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Naturalized Citizen's Letter to

Even the Bros are mad at the Messiah

To Whom It May Concern;

As a former Soviet citizen who came here and discovered what true liberty and freedom is, I am shocked and outraged at what I have seen happening in this country over the last six months. While you people including your cowardly leader and multiple Czars have been propagandizing this nation that you only have our best interests at heart, I am going to speak plainly and succinctly, in other words, Let me be very Clear, I know the difference. I know what falsehoods you people are spreading. I have lived under communism and I know at very core of my heart what it is. This entire regime of usurpers from whoever is reading this to the foreign impostor from Indonesia is shredding my Constitution (I became a citizen in 1970) and literally ignoring it by committing high crimes and treason. This goes along with your ever precious Marxist Congress and Senate. This includes the moderate alleged conservative Republicans. Treason against the People of the United States.

Need I remind you that you people were hired by the people of the United States of America and swore an oath to PRESERVE and PROTECT the Constitution of the United States of America. How dare you accuse us of being Nazis, and terrorists. As American citizens, we demand the same respect that you give the terrorists who wish to destroy this nation. How dare you treat us with the contempt that you show us by treating us as the enemy of this nation. We elected you and nothing that you and your minions, thugs and criminal agitators (racist Black Panthers, La Raza), the unions will deter us from stopping your evil take over of this nation. Please remember one factor in your Soviet style regime, do remember what happened to the Czars of Russia, they were overthrown by the people.

While it has yet to happen, understand, the American people because of their belief in all things that are good and righteous have always done things that no other nation has done. We have demonstrated that liberty is an unalienable right, freedom brings prosperity and while we may have been asleep at the wheel, thanks to your attempts, we have woken up. The giant may have been caught with his pants down, but we are wide awake and are not as stupid, nor are we as ignorant as you arrogantly think we are. This has been the mistake of all despots who have tried to destroy this nation. You are now attempting to forcibly shut us down by eliminating our First Amendment Rights that are guaranteed under law by the Constitution of the United States of America and you will have a fight on your hands. Americans will not sit idly by and allow usurpers and criminals in getting the upper hand. We are not weak Russians or other third world citizens who don't have the testicular fortitude because all our lives we have lived under another despot regime. No, we have been a free people and in less than 200 years become the greatest nation in the history of World Civilization. The worlds history is made up of despots who now usurp the office of the president and they, as history records, have always been defeated.

So, in conclusion, please take my email address and look to see if you can find me. I will not be signing my name boldly, for one reason only. As a former Marxist, I know how lazy and unproductive you people are and that your only way to success is through embellishment, deceit and wealth is procured through theft of other people who work hard and actually achieve something. Therefore I am going to make it so that you must work to find me. You will need to put some effort into knowing my name and where I live. As a very good friend of mine stated, game on. So, in closing I will simply sign my name in code.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Unanswered Questions

Lisa and Laura Ling

I probably won't make any friends with this post. Do I care? NO! It's my job to ask the tough questions and find the angle that everyone else misses. Today I'm going to rain on the homecoming parade.

Amidst the hysteria and tears of the welcome home party for our two intrepid "journalists" there remains the question of WHY these women were sneaking around N. Korea in the first place. What kind of lunatic sends a couple of arguably, twits, on such an assignment? Since they both work for Current TV which was founded and is owned in part by Al Gore, you have to conclude that he approved this clandestine operation.

The United States and S. Korea are technically still in a state of war with the Norks. That being the case, a couple of idiots in civilian attire sneaking into an enemy's country with the intention of recording and reporting is considered SPYING. Now I'm not up to date on current international law but it is true that we executed spies as recently as WWII when they landed on beaches on the East Coast. That makes a sentence of 12 years in a labor camp seem like a paltry punishment by comparison.

OK. We're all happy that our girls avoided the slammer but it's time to face the music here at home. I suggest that both of these morons and their boss, the grinning Jackal, Al Gore, be hauled into an interrogation room where they can collectively explain why they undertook this disastrous mission which served only to embarrass our Nation, not to mention former President Bill Clinton who looked like he was in agony the entire time he was in N. Korea. And while they are at it, I'd like to see the "journalistic credentials" of the two "reporters" for Current TV. I somehow doubt that being the sister of Lisa Ling qualifies Laura Ling and her puny pal.

Now I'd be remiss if I didn't personally acknowledge the contributions of Bill Clinton in securing the release of the two Gorons. Many cons don't like Bill but I've admired him ever since he threw Gore under the bus in 2000. I just wish Big Al had been on the plane so Clinton could have given him the boot as he started down the stairs.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Satirical Guest Post from PDNS

PD News Service

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Christmas in April

New York, NY (PDNN) According to a highly placed and reliable source, Congressman Barney Frank, D-MA has introduced legislation to change Christmas day from December 25 to April 15th.

Our investigative operatives have been able to confirm this by accessing a relatively obscure section of the Congressional Record that is commonly used by politicians as a “stealth” vehicle to have their legislation enacted without any scrutiny.

When confronted, House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer remarked: “Christmas is a traditional time of giving. We also give generously on April 15th, so in the interests of expediency it makes complete sense to combine both occasions into one that is more efficient.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA echoed Hoyer’s comments and added: “The combining of these days into one holiday will allow businesses and factories to remain open on December 25th and since they already stay open on April 15th, we will all profit because companies will not have to pay employees for staying home on a December day and being unproductive”

A full vote in the House has been scheduled on Friday afternoon, prior to the members returning to their home districts for the summer recess.

***PDNS Copywrite 2009 This news article may not be copied or republished in part or in whole without the expressed written permission of the PDNS, SKNS, Moto News or other affiliated organizations belonging to the PD News Network. Don’t make us sue you so bad that your ancestors will feel it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Clueless and In Over His Head

Fanny Goes on a RANT!!!

(1) No matter your age, if you have medical coverage and get kicked off your current health care plan into the new Gov. program, could you be called "too expensive to treat." What if you become really ill with cancer or AIDS or kidney failure or whatever?

(2) Do you seriously believe that a bunch of bureaucrats WE pay to oversee our health care system will reduce the cost of our health care system? Gee, paying THEM is going to reduce costs? HOW?

(2) Those EVIL private sectors of personal Ins. companies and those AWFUL research and development drug companies who provide our medications MUST be removed from the power to produce revenue (running at a profit) and that leads to WHAT? Lost tax revenue? Lost jobs? Lost drug cures you might need? Ya' think?

(3) Illegal aliens as far as I can tell WILL be included in the tax money WE pay to provide "Universal Health Care." WHY? Don't you get it? It's called "discrimination" to ask if someone is a LEGAL American citizen at hospitals, schools or colleges.

(4) FREE everything for those who vote for Democrats are now the "in thing."
Do you think WE can pay for Universal Health care for everyone without TAXES being raised on US, no matter how modestly we live? If we have private Ins., will OUR taxes be raised on the money we get from matching funds from our employers. BET ON IT!

All you Obamaphiles haven't a clue.

PROFITS from private industries did make our world go round. Capitalism is what made us the most powerful nation in the world. In my opinion if we continue the way we are going now, NOBODY will profit including us, except maybe UNIONS! (Democrats including Obama LOVE big unions which make us non-competitive in the rest of the world and then they WHINE when our industries move "over there.") DUH!

Without PROFITS, nobody will have a job. If companies are not profitable here, they either go under or move somewhere else. Keep on HATING profitable industries in America and pretty soon there will be NO MORE PROFITABLE businesses or industries left in the nation.

When you lose YOUR job because Obama punishes your city (Las Vegas) or business (Auto, Banking, Insurance or Drug Company or whatever), don't say I didn't warn you.

YOU voted for this proven ACORN trainer, racist, envious ass of "the rich?" Yeah, he sat in a pew and listened to "Communist Liberation (Wright-Cone) Theology" for nearly twenty years and "didn't hear a thing." He also, now, barely knew Ayers even though they gave speeches together all over the place. Yeah RIGHT? When does hating BUSH, Cheney, Rove and Palen rise to the level of voting for an absolute idiot who cannot even produce either his own school records or medical records as every other President has done in recent history?

YOU ACORN voters often called Cheney "Darth Vader." I have a new name for Mr. "Let me make it clear." It's DARK RAIDER, as in maquerading as something he was not when he ran for election. He is raiding our treasury for HIS plans to CHANGE "the greatest nation in the history of the world."
Into WHAT?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Turning Tail on the 14th Amendment

I just finished reading most of the Supreme Court's decision on Ricci vs John DeStephano et al. The decision, which affirms that Title VII does not infer the right to discriminate against white males simply because they are white is the right decision. But it isn't the end and the Court managed to shirk its responsibility to the Constitution and the people of the United States.

As much as I admire the Justices who concurred and overturned the Appeals Court decision, I'm appalled that they decided NOT to elevate this case to a 14th amendment decision. This nonsense has been going on since all the way back to the Bakke decision wherein quotas kept a white man out of the college of his choice. It's all about quotas and quotas are racist. How much longer can the court avoid this confrontation?

The failure of this court to settle this once and for all will help keep this nation divided and will generate endless Title VII cases because it didn't establish precedent. It merely gave justice to twenty New Haven firefighters who were obviously wronged. Case closed. Bring on the next one!

You might think that the opinions of the court are legal gobbledygook but guess again. They are well-written and even a lay person, such as myself, can understand them. This brings me to my next point: Justice Ginsburg, in an act of extreme silliness had this gem in her dissent signed by her liberal cronies. " The white firefighters who scored high on New Haven's promotional exam understandably attract this Court's sympathy. But they had no vested right to promotion."

What the hell kind of statement is that? To extrapolate, I assume Justice Ginsburg thinks that those minority candidates who scored poorly on the exam DO have a vested right to promotion?
This is the kind of stuff that you can't get unless you do your due diligence and research. And this is why nominee Sotomayor needs to be filibustered. We simply can't afford another "sympathetic" intellectually challenged twit on the highest court in the land.

There you have it! 93 pages boiled down, rendered into a few paragraphs. Who needs lawyers anyway?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Jimmuh the Idiot.

Let's face it. This guy is senile and he's an a-hole too.

Reprinted with permission from PDNS

PD News Service

Sunday, June 21, 2009

New York, NY

Carter Converts to Muslim Faith

Plains, GA (PDNN) In a private ceremony, attended by a few friends, former president Jimmy Carter renounced his Baptist faith and became a muslim. The former president gave praise to Allah and vowed to fight until Sharia law became the supreme law of the American land.

In return for his acceptance into the muslim community, Carter, who will now be known as Abu Mahmoud Mousab El Zub, contracted with “Habitat for Humanity” to construct a new prayer tower and install new foot baths in the aging Hamid Allah Mosque. He also purchased 1000 new prayer rugs for the community faithful.

A small observance was held at the Carter peanut farm, which he will convert into an olive garden and goat farm in recognition of the former presidents new religious affiliation.

PDNS Copywrite 2009 ***This article may not be reprinted in its’ entirety or in part without the express written permission of the PDNS, SKNS, Moto News or any of our other affiliated news organizations. Don’t make us sue you so bad your ancestors will feel it.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What You Don't Know Can Kill You

This blog is not intended to bore but sometimes, facts are boring. In this case, I'm going to go somewhere so obscure, I'll probably lose the great majority of you. Except for one thing, I have a "mole" on the inside so you get to know the real story behind the story.

The government of Canada, (There! I lost a bunch of you already), maintains a nuclear reactor in Chalk River, Province Ottwaw. This reactor produces radioactive isotopes for around 80 countries. What are these isotopes used for? Medical testing including the tests YOU receive courtesy of your family physician.

So what? You say? Well this reactor has been shut down because of various malfunctions caused by aging. Most reactors have a finite life-span of around 50 years and the Chalk River reactor is guess what? 50 years old. My how time flies! Apparently, nobody noticed and nobody made plans to replace an aging dinosaur. The truth, (God that has to hurt), is that everyone employed by this agency has known for years that this was going to happen. My "mole" has been hollering about it. Another voice crying in the wilderness. So no isotopes, no radiology to save your ass from all those nasty diseases that threaten you.

The Canadian AECL is the perfect model of inefficiency and dare I say it, CORRUPTION. The only fair comparison is the State of Kalifornia which is deservedly facing bankruptcy. How do we get to this place? The only answer is: I've got mine so screw whoever comes behind me. Let him/them clean it up.

As these microcosmic failures, including General Motors and whole states continue to crash, where does that leave the entire United States? The clock is ticking. I remember the sign that says: Plan Ahead.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Captain Push Thesaurus

Mario Lavandeira

Main Entry: Perez Hilton
Part of Speech: adjective or noun
Definition: Girly-boy
Synonyms: Punk, Shemale, misogynist, drag queen, no talent, freak, pervert,
unethical, limp wrist, Mahu-Hawaiian

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Las Vegas Tea Party Pictures!

Captain Push at the entrance to Sunset Park

Fanny camped out with her signs and flag

Racist Fanny with her new friend.

Extreme Right Wing Fanatic being interviewed by the local
CBS affiliate

Sign Sampler

Canines Against Tax and Spend

This guy passed out American flags for free!

One view of the large crowd.

In addition to the rally in the park, there were protesters spread out for about 1/2 mile along Eastern Ave. Traffic was heavy and most of the passersby were honking their horns in support.

It was a great day for a picnic and Tea Party!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Modern Day Pirates

Flagship of the Somalian Navy

Mogadishu: SNS

ACORN expands operations globally. Opens Offices in Somalia.

In a continuing effort to promote Barack Obama's agenda and expand his global influence, ACORN has opened several offices in Somalia. Community Organizers have already begun operations including kidnapping an American ship captain who is believed to have voted for John McCain.

The ACORN operatives are presently holding Captain Richard Phillips captive aboard what appears to be the flagship of the Somalian Navy, a stolen lifeboat. The U.S. Navy warship Bainbridge is shadowing the Community Organizers while negotiations are underway to secure Phillips' freedom. Meanwhile, Acorn is demanding several million dollars ransom for the safe return of Phillips.

In the United States, Reverend Jesse Jagoff Jackson and Reverend Al "Slim Shady" Sharpton demand the Navy end its tactics of "intimidation and harassment" of the ACORN employees. Calling the actions of the U.S. Military "racially motivated," Sharpton warned that ACORN is prepared to demand "reparations for community organizers whole." Jackson said he was organizing protests in every major ghetto in America and called the government sanctioned actions "comparable to the heinous acts of slave holders."

When asked about the kidnapping and piracy, President Barack Obama once again resorted to lofty rhetoric stating that "We're talking about the economy."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton burst into laughter when asked about the situation.

(Reporter Abu Kamel Needshower contributed to this story)

Sunday, April 5, 2009



Slobbering, "straight-talking" Joe Biden said it first. He predicted that this administration would be tested and that we should be patient and understand that mistakes might be made. Mistakes and missteps have been the hallmark of this fledgling Presidency. They are too numerous to mention.

Except for his latest mistake which is a measure of the man's character. President Obama is a coward. The United States Military has the ability to shoot down ballistic missiles that threaten us. When N. Korea launched a missile last night, Obama failed to act. Why? What is he afraid of? Criticism from the U.N.? A war with N. Korea?
This thin-skinned, thin-resumed President has never had to make a difficult decision in his life. When asked what he'd do if we were attacked by terrorist he said something to the effect that he'd call an ambulance. Clinton was a weakling but Obama is a complete pussy. He just let a tiny country kick sand in his face. Wimp doesn't begin to describe what an obsequious pantywaist this "man" is. Every tin-horn dictator and two bit terrorist is rubbing his hands with glee watching our President run and hide under his desk.

I keep coming back to one of BHO's speeches. "Just words. Just speeches." Yes, that's what we have with this featherweight. In the movie Team America, a ficticious Hans Blick threatens Kim Jong Il with a very angry letter. The dictator responded by feeding Blick to the sharks. It sounded exactly like the rhetoric coming from President Yellow Belly.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I May Not Always Be Right But I'm Never Wrong

Peter Schiff

I'm no economist but I am a student of politics and history which marry well with my personal economy. As I stated previously, we're doomed to repeat the past if we travel the road of "printing artificial money." And so the Fed announced it would buy ONE TRILLION dollars worth of bonds to keep our nation afloat in funny money this week.

It appears as though the Fed and Treasury Department WANT inflation as an antidote to the credit crisis and unemployment. Where that thinking comes from, I'm not sure but once it starts, they will be unable to contain it. Welcome back Carter.

Captain and Fanny lost 40K during the crash. We actually shrugged it off for two reasons. What is...IS (There you go Bill Clinton) and secondly, our money won't be worth a damn shortly so why whine about it?

I don't expect anyone to believe what I have to say which is why I tell people to look up Peter Schiff ( who predicted this mess some years ago. No, he's not a prophet, he's a reasoned economist who tried to sound the alarm when no one was listening. It seems that nobody is listening now either. Our President seems to be lost in some kind of economic FOG but at least he has his fingers on the pulse of the Special Olympics.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Who Is President?

Who exactly is currently President of the United States? Lest you think I'm some kind of fool, let's explore some history.

For many years, Americans suffered through what was called "The Rehnquist Court." I say suffered not because the Chief Justice wasn't a full-blown conservative, I merely point out that the single most powerful Justice was Sandra Day O'Connor. She was the so-called "swing vote" and she alone held the power to rewrite the Constitution of the United States. To this day, I'm not sure that she had the intellectual capacity to understand the power she held in her hands.

Today, we have the "Roberts Court" which is to say the "Kennedy Court" since Justice Anthony Kennedy holds the "swing vote." This clown has a warped view of law and considers European Law to be superior to American Law and he cites it in his off-record opinions. Thank God he was on Anti-depressants when he voted to uphold the Second Amendment as an individual right or we'd be headed down the road to Nazism rather than simple Socialism.

The point I'm making is that we now have a rather strange Presidency. We have a President who was described by the brilliant Charles Krauthammer as "never having run a candy store."
In other words, the failure of our President to build a resume of management has manifested itself with rather frightening clarity as his nominations of tax-cheats, lobbyists and Clinton retreads pile up. This guy isn't fit to run a 7-11.

As the broken campaign promises heap up only a few weeks into his Presidency, one has to wonder who is minding the store? The first clues are finally appearing. The "stimulus bill" was concocted and passed by the freakazoids, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. There isn't a chance in hell that Obama has any CLUE as to what's in it.

How can I say that? I say that because it's 1,100 pages that nobody can read in a few hours. Obama is a charlatan. He's a celebrity, not a leader and he knows it. He's in over his head so he's given up his power to those who know how to work within the system and manipulate it. He's on the road running a campaign instead of the office.

I think the bumbling Obama could have been an OK President. Despite his complete lack of understanding of history and economics, he might have muddled his way through a few years of liberal stupidity until people realized he's underpowered in the brain department like Jimmy Carter. But Obama's biggest mistake is turning the Government over to Reid and Pelosi. It would be hard to find two more moribund politicians than those two.

I look forward to four years of this screw-up. He's going to be worth his weight in gold for laughs. That is, if the real Presidents, Reid and Pelosi, don't destroy our country first.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bye Bye Miss American Pie

Two certifiable IDIOTS!

Fanny has some comments about illegal immigration. Her pithy comments make a lot of sense. I frankly wish that some of the bleeding hearts, who want unfettered access to America by illegals, to experience the agony of having their identity stolen by an illegal using their stolen social security numbers.

Captain has one other thing to say before turning this over to Fanny. The crime rate among illegals is almost PANDEMIC in the West/Southwest. The fallacy of illegals as "contributors" is probably the most obscene allegation of the Left-wing lunatics promoting the cause of America as the world's sponge for the "downtrodden."

Fanny says:

I've been listening to economists, not political "talking heads." Let's approach the argument "But illegal aliens pay taxes too." Unless they have green cards or STOLEN or FAKE Social Security numbers, they cannot be on American tax rolls for either payroll taxes or paying income taxes. The only people who can pay those taxes are people who have SS numbers. That particular argument is a chair without legs.

The underground economy among illegal aliens who are paid less (under the table) and thus take jobs from Americans is essentially a rape of our economic system. They attend our schools and benefit from all kinds of "let nobody go without food or housing" programs in our nation as they ship a large portion of their ill-gotten income "back home."

Quite provably one-third of Mexico's economy is dependent upon shipping more and more illegal immigrants sending money "home." This is why the President of Mexico does almost nothing to stem the flow of illegals entering our nation and he is totally against "the fence" between our countries and border security for our sovereign nation. In fact, he was whining a few months ago about poor, Mexicans flooding back into Mexico.

THIS IS OUR HOME and we are in dire straights. We cannot afford soft-hearted good intentions in a time of such huge economical stress. We need to be strong-headed and realistic if we hope for our own fiscal survival as a nation.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fanny Has Her Say

Given the last few days of Presidential appointments and executive orders, this is what I perceive as the probable results.

My thoughts are that Obama PROMISED to do what he's doing when he ran for his Party's nomination. Once he beat Hillary, he seemed to turn more moderate in order to get more votes. He fooled many so-called Conservatives into thinking that, despite his voting record as the most Liberal Senator in America he was at least semi-moderate. That just shows exactly how cynical and expedient Obama's Presidential campaign really was. In my opinion makes him just another Machiavellian politician straight out the notoriously crooked Democratic Chicago political machine. So much for "Hope and Change."

We'll get lots of changes all right, but they won't be his latter day campaign promises to "reach across the aisle." He's been, in fact, very cold-blooded and strictly partisan to the Left. We will see the changes the far Left want, without any attempt to be even a trace moderate because he doesn't HAVE to listen to voices of moderation. He is now the most powerful man in America! So....

(1) Terrorists wearing no uniforms who represent no nation (Killers who NOT covered by the Geneva Convention) will now be given the same rights as American Citizens in civilian courts. They will lawyer up at OUR expense as taxpayers and eventually go free, no matter their crimes against our nation.

(2) Our borders will remain open and unprotected.

(3) Illegal aliens will be allowed to get Drivers' licenses. They will eventually just be "given citizenship" and so will every real or pretend relative they can drag up here to invade our country. Then they will vote, illegally and otherwise. Under that burden, others states will go under, just like California.

(4) Our national debt will quadruple with bailouts we don't want because Obama will tell us with his usual soaring rhetoric that it's necessary.

(5) Bush tax cuts will go away never to be seen again. Obscene taxes will be imposed on the few and those who will be added to the pool of NON-Federal Tax payers will grow and grow and they won't give a damn as long as they get their checks.

(6) Liberal court appointments will ensure judges always rule in favor of every minority -- no matter the VOTES of majority and their futile attempts at ballot initiatives on ANY controversy.

(7) Every vestige of our Judeo-Christian heritage and the very precepts upon which this nation was built will disappear in text books and in public purview all over the land. With that loss of our historical heritage/perspective, respect for our own nation will no longer exist.

(8) As social programs become THE one-and-only priority, our military will become weaker and weaker until our nation becomes another has-been, toothless lion bragging of past glories -- just like all the others weak, socialist nations in the world.

(9) With the "right people in power" and in charge of all our banking systems and health care they will DICATE what we can eat or do in our personal lives. The people who have ABSOLUTE power will be able to threaten us and they WILL do so. We will have to abide by Federal Guide lines if we expect to qualify for health care in order to see a doctor of their choice, not ours.

(10) We are already seeing intimations of the Feds controlling the airwaves. If Pelosi has her way, that will happen. Wait until the newly all-powerful ones come for our guns too.

Left wingers who think you want all of the above, be careful, very careful what you continue to wish for because all of the above will apply to you too. After President Obama's changes there will be NO hope for America to become anything other than another (French type) autocracy going straight down the Socialist past to failure.

Get ready to speak Spanglish. The changes are acomin'.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Inquisition: If Jesus Appeared Before the Senate.

Captain Push has watched several Senate Confirmation hearings. To put it succinctly, these are forums which are nothing more than an embarrassment to our nation. I wondered how the Senators would treat Jesus Christ if he appeared before them in an effort to secure a cabinet or judiciary appointment. I think it would go something like this:

Senator: Mr. Jesus. Thank you for appearing before this committee.

Jesus: Thank you for your consideration.

Senator: Mr. Jesus. Who exactly were the three wise men and what did they offer you for their blessings?

Jesus: Senator, I was only an infant and don't recall exactly what they said or what they offered.

Senator: Is it true you accepted gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh?

Jesus: Senator, I've queried my father and mother and they've assured me the gifts were proffered with no "quid pro quo" involved.

Senator: Mr. Jesus. Is it true you disappeared into the desert for three years? Where were you and who did you associate with during those years?

Jesus: I studied with the Essenes.

Senator: Aren't the Essenes a "special interest group" which advocates communes and a celibate lifestyle?

Jesus: Yes, they were a Jewish group and I was a member.

Senator: So you are a member of a group that hates Palestinians and wages war on them?

Jesus: I am, and have always been, an advocate for Peace.

Senator. You claim to be able to walk on water. Is that true or a magician's trick?

Jesus: Well, it might be a trick as President Obama has mastered this. I came by it naturally.

Senator. So you admit to trickery?

Jesus. No, I am naturally buoyant.

Senator. You also claim to feed the masses with five loaves of bread and two fish. This sounds like a hoax to me.

Jesus. Senator, President Obama has promised riches to all. He needs me as an advisor as I've had experience in the field of producing something from nothing.

Senator: Mr. Jesus, we are concerned with your relationship with a woman called, Mary Magdaline? Do you still contend that you and she never had a sexual relationship?

Jesus. I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman, Mary Magdeline.

Senator: Mr. Jesus, is it true you associated with a man named Paul who violently persecuted other people?

Jesus. Sir, I did, but I understand you have a low tolerance for mere "guilt by association" when it comes to members of your party. I hope that spirit of fairness will apply to all men who come before you, regardless of their political affiliations.

Senator: Mr. Jesus, I have in my hands, an arrest report that states that you were involved in a violent protest in a banking institution some years ago. Can you explain that?

Jesus: During my youth, I was an activist for fair banking. The bankers were cheating poor people out of their savings and refusing to loan money for homes. During one protest, I did upset a table as I pushed myself away from a banker who attacked me. It was self-defense.

Senator: Did you serve time for that offense?

Jesus: No, but later I was falsely accused of a treasonous act by Mr. Judas Iscariot and spent some time in jail until being released. Mr. Iscariot subsequently committed suicide.

Senator: Isn’t it true you were sentenced to death?

Jesus: Yes and I was wrongly executed.


Jesus: In the interest of Justice, I arose from the dead. It has become my mission to save Christians from their sins and to anoint the new Messiah and guide him for the next four years.

Senator: Are you acquainted with Reverend Pat Robertson?

Jesus: Yes, I was once an advisor to him.

Senator: Mr. Robertson claims you advised him to run for President. Is that true?

Jesus: Yes, and I regret that. I also regret that he has referenced me on several occasions on matters about which I did not advise him.

Senator: You seem to have a long history of associations with people who can best be described as shady. I for one, will not vote to confirm you.

Jesus: Regardless Senator, I forgive you.

Senator: I call for adjournment.