Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Prize Musings

I never watched the Seinfeld program while it was in production. Since I'm not into pop culture, I was left in the dust when it came to people discussing the episodes of a show I never saw. I mean, why would I watch a "show about nothing" as it was frequently called? Hell, it was PITCHED as a show about nothing. I have better things to do with my time.
So now I find myself watching a Presidency about Nothing.

This joker got the Nobel prize for essentially DOING NOTHING. This is definitely a Seinfeld moment in history. Jerry Seinfeld speaks well and so does our President when effectively prompted.

This brings us to the question: Who deserves the Nobel Prize more? Jerry Seinfeld or B. Hussein Obama?
Seinfeld has entertained millions, maybe billions of people. Obama has bumbled his way through a few months of a disastrous Presidency. I'd give the prize to Jerry.

Well done Jerry! You deserve the accolades because your "show about nothing" is a damn site better than the cheap circus presided over by Barack Obama.

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