Saturday, March 21, 2009

I May Not Always Be Right But I'm Never Wrong

Peter Schiff

I'm no economist but I am a student of politics and history which marry well with my personal economy. As I stated previously, we're doomed to repeat the past if we travel the road of "printing artificial money." And so the Fed announced it would buy ONE TRILLION dollars worth of bonds to keep our nation afloat in funny money this week.

It appears as though the Fed and Treasury Department WANT inflation as an antidote to the credit crisis and unemployment. Where that thinking comes from, I'm not sure but once it starts, they will be unable to contain it. Welcome back Carter.

Captain and Fanny lost 40K during the crash. We actually shrugged it off for two reasons. What is...IS (There you go Bill Clinton) and secondly, our money won't be worth a damn shortly so why whine about it?

I don't expect anyone to believe what I have to say which is why I tell people to look up Peter Schiff ( who predicted this mess some years ago. No, he's not a prophet, he's a reasoned economist who tried to sound the alarm when no one was listening. It seems that nobody is listening now either. Our President seems to be lost in some kind of economic FOG but at least he has his fingers on the pulse of the Special Olympics.

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