Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama Needs His Diapers Changed

I have to face facts. Facts are interesting and they do reveal a lot about people, including me. I listen to Right-wing radio and watch Foxnews but I do get out there on the internet for the back story. Fact is, I'm a right-winger. So I needed to dig deeper into the "enemies list" recently established by the White House.

This is what I've found

The "enemies list" the White House has established has been attacked on several levels but what keeps coming up is the childishness and immaturity of the administration. I think this is a fair description of the behavior of David Axelrod, Rahm Emannuel, Anita Dunn, Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama. "Nixonian" is the only way it can be conveyed to those of us who lived through Watergate.

But Nixon at least appeared to be an adult male, angered by what he felt was unfair and undue accusations. Obama and his staff act like petulant children denied a toy or chocolate on demand.

How dare anyone question Camelot redux or as I would call it, "Choc-o-late" by questioning Obama. This guy is a spoiled brat, a pouting, insecure punk. I can't wait to see him throw a tantrum when Jake Tapper asks him a hard question. Yes, I said, Jake Tapper from the All Barack Channel. It's going to happen. I just hope it's soon.

Trying to silence a legitimate news network is tantamount to uh...taking over the auto industry. Or maybe the banking industry. Oh, I forgot, they already did that. Unfortunately for Obama and his puppeteers, there wasn't a Rupert Murdock there to stop them.

Long Live Foxnews.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Prize Musings

I never watched the Seinfeld program while it was in production. Since I'm not into pop culture, I was left in the dust when it came to people discussing the episodes of a show I never saw. I mean, why would I watch a "show about nothing" as it was frequently called? Hell, it was PITCHED as a show about nothing. I have better things to do with my time.
So now I find myself watching a Presidency about Nothing.

This joker got the Nobel prize for essentially DOING NOTHING. This is definitely a Seinfeld moment in history. Jerry Seinfeld speaks well and so does our President when effectively prompted.

This brings us to the question: Who deserves the Nobel Prize more? Jerry Seinfeld or B. Hussein Obama?
Seinfeld has entertained millions, maybe billions of people. Obama has bumbled his way through a few months of a disastrous Presidency. I'd give the prize to Jerry.

Well done Jerry! You deserve the accolades because your "show about nothing" is a damn site better than the cheap circus presided over by Barack Obama.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More Czars. Read It and Weep


16. NANCY ANN DePARLE - Obama's "Health" Czar. Nancy Ann is the former head of the financially troubled Medicare/Medicaid. She is a strong proponent of Health Care rationing and this is understandable when you examine the massive financial deficits incurred under her watch. She is married to a reporter for the financially strapped NY Times...which is every bit as bankrupt in cash assets, as well as being intellectually and morally bankrupt.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama

17. VIVEK KUNDRA - Obama's "Information" Czar. Vivek was born in New Delhi, India. He was discovered operating a 7-11 by Joe Biden. Kundra controls all public information, including labels and news releases. He monitors all private internet emails...and maybe even AOL Message Boards too!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama

18. TODD STERN - Obama's "International Climate" Czar. Todd, who is no relation to Howard, is an anti-business former White House Chief of Staff and a strong supporter of the Kyoto Accord. He is a proponent of Cap and Trade and blames US Businesses for Global Warming, while at the same time overlooking all of the hot air that emanates from Democrats, wherever they may be.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama

19. DENNIS BLAIR - Obama's "Intelligence" Czar. Dennis is retired from the US Navy and is rumored to have posted on AOL Message Boards using the screen name: BobNavy. He stopped a US Guided Missile program because he thought it was "provocative". Bob...I mean...Dennis is Chair of the ultra liberal Council on Foreign Relations which blames American organizations for regional wars. Bob...I mean...Dennis really isn't too smart!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama

20. GEORGE MITCHELL - Obama's "Peace" Czar. George is a former failed senator from Maine and a typical Left Wing radical who has said that Israel should be split up into 2 or 3 more manageable plots. Mitchell was plagiarized recently by Joe Biden who said that Iraq should be split up into 2 or 3 more manageable plots. Being your typical Liberal, George is Anti-Nuclear, anti gun and pro homosexual.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm

21. KENNETH FEINBERG - Obama's "Pay" Czar. Kenny is a former Chief nof Staff to the recently croaked Teddy Kennedy. Feinberg is also a Lawyer who got very rich off the 911 victims payoffs.

Kenneth Feinberg belongs to that 99% of lawyers who give the rest a bad name!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm

22. CASS SUNSTEIN - Obama's "Regulatory" Czar. Sunstein is a Liberal Activist Judge who believes FREE SPEECH needs to be limited for the common good. He frequently rules against personal freedoms like personal gun ownership and believes that Animals should have the right to file lawsuits against their owners. Cass Sunstein is a major league fruit loop!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm

23. JOHN HOLDREN - Obama's "Science" Czar. Holdren is a fierce ideological environmentalist WHACKO!!! He belongs to the looney Sierra Club and is an anti-business activist who claims the US has caused world poverty. John has no Science training and being the "pantload" he is, it's apparent John hasn't finished potty training!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm

24. KEVIN JENNINGS - Obama's "Safe Schools" Czar. Under Kevie, the schools are indeed safe. They're safe for pedophiles and other assorted predators as Kevie has admitted encouraging a 15 year old to participate in a homosexual relationship with an older male school teacher. Will Kevie be the next Obama appointed Czar to resign under cover of darkness? It is the weekend, yanno!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

25. EARL DEVANEY - Obama's "Stimulus Accountability" Czar. Up until now, Earl has spent his career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Earl believes in open borders with Mexico. Undocumented Mexican Aliens are looking forward to Earl giving them "Mucho" Stimulus Dinero.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

26. J. SCOTT GRATION - Obama's "Sudan" Czar. Scottie is a native of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He believes the US does little to help third world countries. Scottie is a member of the Council of foreign relations and is asking for higher US taxes to support the United Nations.

Beam Me Up!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with.

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

27. HERB ALLISON - Obama's "TARP" Czar. Herbie was the Fannie Mae CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up and artificially inflate the US stock market. Herbie caused millions of hard working people to lose their life savings....honest people that will not derive any benefit from stimulus money....including the ones dumb enough to vote for DemocRATS.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

28. JOHN BRENNAN - Obama's "Terrorism" Czar. John is an anti CIA activist and that is why terrorists everywhere applaud this appointment. Brennan has absolutely no training in diplomatic or government affairs...kin of like the inept Obama has NO Executive training or experience. Johnny believes in open borders with Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband the US Military.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with.

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

29. ANEESH CHOPRA - Obama's "Technology" Czar. Aneesh...or "Annie" as he is known in the West Wing mens room...has NO technology training. He recently worked for the "Advisory Board Company" which is a health care think tank for hospitals. Chopra is an anti doctor activist who supports Obamacare, rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the government health care plan.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

30. ADOLFO CARRION jr - Obama's "Urban Affairs" Czar. Adolfo, which is Spanish for appropriate...but I digress... Adlofo is a Puerto Rican anti-American activist and a Leftist Group member in Latin America. He is also a MILLIONAIRE Slum Lord in the Bronx. Dolph owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from "sweetheart" deals with labor unions. "Dolph" wants higher taxes to pay for minority housing (no doubt in his slums) and for free health care...which they already receive!!!

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

31. ASHTON CARTER - Obama's "Weapon's" Czar. Ashton is your typical leftist. He wants ALL private weapons destroyed and supports a UN ban on firearms ownership in America. Carter has no other policy.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm

32. GARY SAMORE - Obama's "WMD Policy" Czar. Gary is a former Communist. Who'da thunk it? He want the US to unilaterally destroy all Weapons of Mass Destruction as a show of good faith to our enemies. Of course, he has no other policy.

"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."

-B Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm