Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Captain Push Thesaurus

Mario Lavandeira

Main Entry: Perez Hilton
Part of Speech: adjective or noun
Definition: Girly-boy
Synonyms: Punk, Shemale, misogynist, drag queen, no talent, freak, pervert,
unethical, limp wrist, Mahu-Hawaiian

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Las Vegas Tea Party Pictures!

Captain Push at the entrance to Sunset Park

Fanny camped out with her signs and flag

Racist Fanny with her new friend.

Extreme Right Wing Fanatic being interviewed by the local
CBS affiliate

Sign Sampler

Canines Against Tax and Spend

This guy passed out American flags for free!

One view of the large crowd.

In addition to the rally in the park, there were protesters spread out for about 1/2 mile along Eastern Ave. Traffic was heavy and most of the passersby were honking their horns in support.

It was a great day for a picnic and Tea Party!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Modern Day Pirates

Flagship of the Somalian Navy

Mogadishu: SNS

ACORN expands operations globally. Opens Offices in Somalia.

In a continuing effort to promote Barack Obama's agenda and expand his global influence, ACORN has opened several offices in Somalia. Community Organizers have already begun operations including kidnapping an American ship captain who is believed to have voted for John McCain.

The ACORN operatives are presently holding Captain Richard Phillips captive aboard what appears to be the flagship of the Somalian Navy, a stolen lifeboat. The U.S. Navy warship Bainbridge is shadowing the Community Organizers while negotiations are underway to secure Phillips' freedom. Meanwhile, Acorn is demanding several million dollars ransom for the safe return of Phillips.

In the United States, Reverend Jesse Jagoff Jackson and Reverend Al "Slim Shady" Sharpton demand the Navy end its tactics of "intimidation and harassment" of the ACORN employees. Calling the actions of the U.S. Military "racially motivated," Sharpton warned that ACORN is prepared to demand "reparations for community organizers whole." Jackson said he was organizing protests in every major ghetto in America and called the government sanctioned actions "comparable to the heinous acts of slave holders."

When asked about the kidnapping and piracy, President Barack Obama once again resorted to lofty rhetoric stating that "We're talking about the economy."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton burst into laughter when asked about the situation.

(Reporter Abu Kamel Needshower contributed to this story)

Sunday, April 5, 2009



Slobbering, "straight-talking" Joe Biden said it first. He predicted that this administration would be tested and that we should be patient and understand that mistakes might be made. Mistakes and missteps have been the hallmark of this fledgling Presidency. They are too numerous to mention.

Except for his latest mistake which is a measure of the man's character. President Obama is a coward. The United States Military has the ability to shoot down ballistic missiles that threaten us. When N. Korea launched a missile last night, Obama failed to act. Why? What is he afraid of? Criticism from the U.N.? A war with N. Korea?
This thin-skinned, thin-resumed President has never had to make a difficult decision in his life. When asked what he'd do if we were attacked by terrorist he said something to the effect that he'd call an ambulance. Clinton was a weakling but Obama is a complete pussy. He just let a tiny country kick sand in his face. Wimp doesn't begin to describe what an obsequious pantywaist this "man" is. Every tin-horn dictator and two bit terrorist is rubbing his hands with glee watching our President run and hide under his desk.

I keep coming back to one of BHO's speeches. "Just words. Just speeches." Yes, that's what we have with this featherweight. In the movie Team America, a ficticious Hans Blick threatens Kim Jong Il with a very angry letter. The dictator responded by feeding Blick to the sharks. It sounded exactly like the rhetoric coming from President Yellow Belly.