Friday, January 23, 2009

Bye Bye Miss American Pie

Two certifiable IDIOTS!

Fanny has some comments about illegal immigration. Her pithy comments make a lot of sense. I frankly wish that some of the bleeding hearts, who want unfettered access to America by illegals, to experience the agony of having their identity stolen by an illegal using their stolen social security numbers.

Captain has one other thing to say before turning this over to Fanny. The crime rate among illegals is almost PANDEMIC in the West/Southwest. The fallacy of illegals as "contributors" is probably the most obscene allegation of the Left-wing lunatics promoting the cause of America as the world's sponge for the "downtrodden."

Fanny says:

I've been listening to economists, not political "talking heads." Let's approach the argument "But illegal aliens pay taxes too." Unless they have green cards or STOLEN or FAKE Social Security numbers, they cannot be on American tax rolls for either payroll taxes or paying income taxes. The only people who can pay those taxes are people who have SS numbers. That particular argument is a chair without legs.

The underground economy among illegal aliens who are paid less (under the table) and thus take jobs from Americans is essentially a rape of our economic system. They attend our schools and benefit from all kinds of "let nobody go without food or housing" programs in our nation as they ship a large portion of their ill-gotten income "back home."

Quite provably one-third of Mexico's economy is dependent upon shipping more and more illegal immigrants sending money "home." This is why the President of Mexico does almost nothing to stem the flow of illegals entering our nation and he is totally against "the fence" between our countries and border security for our sovereign nation. In fact, he was whining a few months ago about poor, Mexicans flooding back into Mexico.

THIS IS OUR HOME and we are in dire straights. We cannot afford soft-hearted good intentions in a time of such huge economical stress. We need to be strong-headed and realistic if we hope for our own fiscal survival as a nation.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fanny Has Her Say

Given the last few days of Presidential appointments and executive orders, this is what I perceive as the probable results.

My thoughts are that Obama PROMISED to do what he's doing when he ran for his Party's nomination. Once he beat Hillary, he seemed to turn more moderate in order to get more votes. He fooled many so-called Conservatives into thinking that, despite his voting record as the most Liberal Senator in America he was at least semi-moderate. That just shows exactly how cynical and expedient Obama's Presidential campaign really was. In my opinion makes him just another Machiavellian politician straight out the notoriously crooked Democratic Chicago political machine. So much for "Hope and Change."

We'll get lots of changes all right, but they won't be his latter day campaign promises to "reach across the aisle." He's been, in fact, very cold-blooded and strictly partisan to the Left. We will see the changes the far Left want, without any attempt to be even a trace moderate because he doesn't HAVE to listen to voices of moderation. He is now the most powerful man in America! So....

(1) Terrorists wearing no uniforms who represent no nation (Killers who NOT covered by the Geneva Convention) will now be given the same rights as American Citizens in civilian courts. They will lawyer up at OUR expense as taxpayers and eventually go free, no matter their crimes against our nation.

(2) Our borders will remain open and unprotected.

(3) Illegal aliens will be allowed to get Drivers' licenses. They will eventually just be "given citizenship" and so will every real or pretend relative they can drag up here to invade our country. Then they will vote, illegally and otherwise. Under that burden, others states will go under, just like California.

(4) Our national debt will quadruple with bailouts we don't want because Obama will tell us with his usual soaring rhetoric that it's necessary.

(5) Bush tax cuts will go away never to be seen again. Obscene taxes will be imposed on the few and those who will be added to the pool of NON-Federal Tax payers will grow and grow and they won't give a damn as long as they get their checks.

(6) Liberal court appointments will ensure judges always rule in favor of every minority -- no matter the VOTES of majority and their futile attempts at ballot initiatives on ANY controversy.

(7) Every vestige of our Judeo-Christian heritage and the very precepts upon which this nation was built will disappear in text books and in public purview all over the land. With that loss of our historical heritage/perspective, respect for our own nation will no longer exist.

(8) As social programs become THE one-and-only priority, our military will become weaker and weaker until our nation becomes another has-been, toothless lion bragging of past glories -- just like all the others weak, socialist nations in the world.

(9) With the "right people in power" and in charge of all our banking systems and health care they will DICATE what we can eat or do in our personal lives. The people who have ABSOLUTE power will be able to threaten us and they WILL do so. We will have to abide by Federal Guide lines if we expect to qualify for health care in order to see a doctor of their choice, not ours.

(10) We are already seeing intimations of the Feds controlling the airwaves. If Pelosi has her way, that will happen. Wait until the newly all-powerful ones come for our guns too.

Left wingers who think you want all of the above, be careful, very careful what you continue to wish for because all of the above will apply to you too. After President Obama's changes there will be NO hope for America to become anything other than another (French type) autocracy going straight down the Socialist past to failure.

Get ready to speak Spanglish. The changes are acomin'.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Inquisition: If Jesus Appeared Before the Senate.

Captain Push has watched several Senate Confirmation hearings. To put it succinctly, these are forums which are nothing more than an embarrassment to our nation. I wondered how the Senators would treat Jesus Christ if he appeared before them in an effort to secure a cabinet or judiciary appointment. I think it would go something like this:

Senator: Mr. Jesus. Thank you for appearing before this committee.

Jesus: Thank you for your consideration.

Senator: Mr. Jesus. Who exactly were the three wise men and what did they offer you for their blessings?

Jesus: Senator, I was only an infant and don't recall exactly what they said or what they offered.

Senator: Is it true you accepted gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh?

Jesus: Senator, I've queried my father and mother and they've assured me the gifts were proffered with no "quid pro quo" involved.

Senator: Mr. Jesus. Is it true you disappeared into the desert for three years? Where were you and who did you associate with during those years?

Jesus: I studied with the Essenes.

Senator: Aren't the Essenes a "special interest group" which advocates communes and a celibate lifestyle?

Jesus: Yes, they were a Jewish group and I was a member.

Senator: So you are a member of a group that hates Palestinians and wages war on them?

Jesus: I am, and have always been, an advocate for Peace.

Senator. You claim to be able to walk on water. Is that true or a magician's trick?

Jesus: Well, it might be a trick as President Obama has mastered this. I came by it naturally.

Senator. So you admit to trickery?

Jesus. No, I am naturally buoyant.

Senator. You also claim to feed the masses with five loaves of bread and two fish. This sounds like a hoax to me.

Jesus. Senator, President Obama has promised riches to all. He needs me as an advisor as I've had experience in the field of producing something from nothing.

Senator: Mr. Jesus, we are concerned with your relationship with a woman called, Mary Magdaline? Do you still contend that you and she never had a sexual relationship?

Jesus. I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman, Mary Magdeline.

Senator: Mr. Jesus, is it true you associated with a man named Paul who violently persecuted other people?

Jesus. Sir, I did, but I understand you have a low tolerance for mere "guilt by association" when it comes to members of your party. I hope that spirit of fairness will apply to all men who come before you, regardless of their political affiliations.

Senator: Mr. Jesus, I have in my hands, an arrest report that states that you were involved in a violent protest in a banking institution some years ago. Can you explain that?

Jesus: During my youth, I was an activist for fair banking. The bankers were cheating poor people out of their savings and refusing to loan money for homes. During one protest, I did upset a table as I pushed myself away from a banker who attacked me. It was self-defense.

Senator: Did you serve time for that offense?

Jesus: No, but later I was falsely accused of a treasonous act by Mr. Judas Iscariot and spent some time in jail until being released. Mr. Iscariot subsequently committed suicide.

Senator: Isn’t it true you were sentenced to death?

Jesus: Yes and I was wrongly executed.


Jesus: In the interest of Justice, I arose from the dead. It has become my mission to save Christians from their sins and to anoint the new Messiah and guide him for the next four years.

Senator: Are you acquainted with Reverend Pat Robertson?

Jesus: Yes, I was once an advisor to him.

Senator: Mr. Robertson claims you advised him to run for President. Is that true?

Jesus: Yes, and I regret that. I also regret that he has referenced me on several occasions on matters about which I did not advise him.

Senator: You seem to have a long history of associations with people who can best be described as shady. I for one, will not vote to confirm you.

Jesus: Regardless Senator, I forgive you.

Senator: I call for adjournment.