Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tea Party Angst:
This is not intended to be a "sour grapes" rant but rather, an analysis of the cracks in a so-called "grassroots" movement.
Fanny and I attended all three major Tea Parties in Nevada including the "Showdown in the Desert" near Searchlight, Harry Reid's hometown. All were well-attended by a cross-section of working Americans energized by the failures of an unqualified, incompetent President and his sycophantic Congress. Three cheers for the Tea Party Express! Or maybe not...
Fast forward to the primaries in Nevada. We gave financial support to our candidate's campaign and fully expected him to win the Republican nomination as he had announced at a Tea Party and held the same beliefs and principles espoused by the Tea Party organizers. Out of nowhere, an endorsement of Sharron Angle by the Tea Party Express leadership pushed her over the top leaving us disappointed and completely puzzled as to WHY that endorsement materialized out of thin air.
We'll never know for sure and this is speculation and because I'm invoking Fanny here, I'll probably avoid some (but not all) comments about my personal misogyny. We both recall, at the last two Tea Parties, that there was emphasis on women. In fact, many media outlets trotted out female "leaders" in reportage of the events. This led us to the conclusion that there is a Tea Party bias toward women. Sarah Palin, a Tea Party icon, endorsed the RINO John McCain. Sure, she had an obligation to him but there goes those principles out the door since McCain is among the worst flip-floppers on important issues like immigration, campaign finance reform ad nauseam.
The facts speak for themselves: Danny Tarkanian clobbered Harry Reid in early polling. Hell, an overripe avocado would have beaten Harry Reid. It took the Tea Party Express to make it a race by nominating a bumbling, ill-spoken woman who might just snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The obvious reasons were that she was a female and had actually won a seat whereas Tarkanian had only lost his previous run for some obscure office.
Tea Party activists should remain suspicious of Tea Party leaders who insist they aren't leaders at all. They've tasted power and they are willing to exert inappropriate influence which may lead to their own downfall before they are able to realize the change they promote.
We'll vote for Angle but if she loses, the blame falls on the California based Tea Party Express and their non-leadership. Sharron Angle's campaign was sloppy from the beginning and remains a morass of classless, hangers-on fighting a skilled, albeit crooked politician.
Memo to the Tea Party: Choose wisely.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Our Useless pResident
Enough!!! This clown has NO background in management. He never even owned a lemonade stand. But he's "cool" and is "post racial."
Well, cool and post-racial doesn't mean you can lead a nation. We have a photo-op pResident who can golf and listen to hip-hop. Way to go voters. Maybe an IQ test for voters is in order.
As Charles Krauthammer said, "I've never bought that rubbish."
Friday, October 23, 2009
Obama Needs His Diapers Changed
I have to face facts. Facts are interesting and they do reveal a lot about people, including me. I listen to Right-wing radio and watch Foxnews but I do get out there on the internet for the back story. Fact is, I'm a right-winger. So I needed to dig deeper into the "enemies list" recently established by the White House.
This is what I've found
The "enemies list" the White House has established has been attacked on several levels but what keeps coming up is the childishness and immaturity of the administration. I think this is a fair description of the behavior of David Axelrod, Rahm Emannuel, Anita Dunn, Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama. "Nixonian" is the only way it can be conveyed to those of us who lived through Watergate.
But Nixon at least appeared to be an adult male, angered by what he felt was unfair and undue accusations. Obama and his staff act like petulant children denied a toy or chocolate on demand.
How dare anyone question Camelot redux or as I would call it, "Choc-o-late" by questioning Obama. This guy is a spoiled brat, a pouting, insecure punk. I can't wait to see him throw a tantrum when Jake Tapper asks him a hard question. Yes, I said, Jake Tapper from the All Barack Channel. It's going to happen. I just hope it's soon.
Trying to silence a legitimate news network is tantamount to uh...taking over the auto industry. Or maybe the banking industry. Oh, I forgot, they already did that. Unfortunately for Obama and his puppeteers, there wasn't a Rupert Murdock there to stop them.
Long Live Foxnews.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Nobel Prize Musings
I never watched the Seinfeld program while it was in production. Since I'm not into pop culture, I was left in the dust when it came to people discussing the episodes of a show I never saw. I mean, why would I watch a "show about nothing" as it was frequently called? Hell, it was PITCHED as a show about nothing. I have better things to do with my time. So now I find myself watching a Presidency about Nothing.
This joker got the Nobel prize for essentially DOING NOTHING. This is definitely a Seinfeld moment in history. Jerry Seinfeld speaks well and so does our President when effectively prompted.
This brings us to the question: Who deserves the Nobel Prize more? Jerry Seinfeld or B. Hussein Obama? Seinfeld has entertained millions, maybe billions of people. Obama has bumbled his way through a few months of a disastrous Presidency. I'd give the prize to Jerry.
Well done Jerry! You deserve the accolades because your "show about nothing" is a damn site better than the cheap circus presided over by Barack Obama.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
More Czars. Read It and Weep
16. NANCY ANN DePARLE - Obama's "Health" Czar. Nancy Ann is the former head of the financially troubled Medicare/Medicaid. She is a strong proponent of Health Care rationing and this is understandable when you examine the massive financial deficits incurred under her watch. She is married to a reporter for the financially strapped NY Times...which is every bit as bankrupt in cash assets, as well as being intellectually and morally bankrupt.
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama
17. VIVEK KUNDRA - Obama's "Information" Czar. Vivek was born in
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama
18. TODD STERN - Obama's "International Climate" Czar. Todd, who is no relation to Howard, is an anti-business former White House Chief of Staff and a strong supporter of the
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama
19. DENNIS BLAIR - Obama's "Intelligence" Czar. Dennis is retired from the
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama
20. GEORGE MITCHELL - Obama's "Peace" Czar. George is a former failed senator from
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm
21. KENNETH FEINBERG - Obama's "Pay" Czar. Kenny is a former Chief nof Staff to the recently croaked Teddy Kennedy. Feinberg is also a Lawyer who got very rich off the 911 victims payoffs.
Kenneth Feinberg belongs to that 99% of lawyers who give the rest a bad name!
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm
22. CASS SUNSTEIN - Obama's "Regulatory" Czar. Sunstein is a Liberal Activist Judge who believes FREE SPEECH needs to be limited for the common good. He frequently rules against personal freedoms like personal gun ownership and believes that Animals should have the right to file lawsuits against their owners. Cass Sunstein is a major league fruit loop!!!
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm
23. JOHN HOLDREN - Obama's "Science" Czar. Holdren is a fierce ideological environmentalist WHACKO!!! He belongs to the looney Sierra Club and is an anti-business activist who claims the
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm, mmm, mm
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
25. EARL DEVANEY - Obama's "Stimulus Accountability" Czar. Up until now, Earl has spent his career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Earl believes in open borders with
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
26. J. SCOTT GRATION - Obama's "
Beam Me Up!!!
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with.
-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
27. HERB ALLISON - Obama's "TARP" Czar. Herbie was the Fannie Mae CEO responsible for the
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
28. JOHN BRENNAN - Obama's "Terrorism" Czar. John is an anti CIA activist and that is why terrorists everywhere applaud this appointment. Brennan has absolutely no training in diplomatic or government affairs...kin of like the inept Obama has NO Executive training or experience. Johnny believes in open borders with
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with.
-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
29. ANEESH CHOPRA - Obama's "Technology" Czar. Aneesh...or "Annie" as he is known in the West Wing mens room...has NO technology training. He recently worked for the "Advisory Board Company" which is a health care think tank for hospitals. Chopra is an anti doctor activist who supports Obamacare, rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the government health care plan.
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
30. ADOLFO CARRION jr - Obama's "Urban Affairs" Czar. Adolfo, which is Spanish for appropriate...but I digress... Adlofo is a Puerto Rican anti-American activist and a Leftist Group member in
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
31. ASHTON CARTER - Obama's "Weapon's" Czar. Ashton is your typical leftist. He wants ALL private weapons destroyed and supports a UN ban on firearms ownership in
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B. Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
32. GARY SAMORE - Obama's "WMD Policy" Czar.
"If you want to know who I am, look at the people I surround myself with."
-B Hussain Obama mmm mmm mm
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Give Me Liberty or Give Me a Czar!
I've got a new name for Obama's Czars. I call them "targets." You all probably thought that Czars were harmless placeholders in the administration. I don't really remember where the practice started but I do recall someone being a "drug czar" years ago.
So some dude with a weird title and no power is going to somehow influence the nation and get all the bad people off of drugs. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. It makes for good sound bites if nothing more. The drug czar says drugs are bad so don't ingest them. That's pretty reasonable however stupid. But like anything in government, Czars have evolved into something more than figureheads.
So along comes the Messiah but he's got a small problem. He's been hanging out with excrement while building a non-record to run on. You know some of them. Bill Ayers, Jerry Wright and Frank Davis and others of that ilk which happens to be HATE AMERICA ilk. Junior wants to stuff his administration/cabinet full of great minds like the aforementioned but he knows he can't get them confirmed in the Senate so he creates the innocuous-sounding czar-ships.
Van Jones is just the tip of a really LARGE iceberg. Most Americans who don't foam at the mouth wouldn't associate with many of Obama's czars. That is, if you have parents or grandparents you want to survive this presidency. Rahm Emanuel's brother Ezekial doesn't want to send your family to a gas chamber so he, along with the Congress, came up with the Death Panels. How nice! Granny needs some new teeth. Screw her! Give a grilled cheese sandwich to gum and a pill to make her feel good. Much cheaper than new dentures. Of course Ezekial is AGAINST euthanasia. Here. Read this. It's long and complicated and you'll probably die of boredom before you finish it. It's about alternatives to living. Talk about change you can believe in!
OK. So I'm all over the map with my healthy hatred for this President and his end-run around the laws of our nation. Czars need to be OUTLAWED. Czars are in place because Obama is in over his head. This guy couldn't run a lemonade stand much less your nation. He's actually smart enough to have a Clint Eastwood moment. "A man's got to know his limitations." He knows he's not capable so he attempted to surround himself with the same kind of people who advised him throughout his life. So now you have Van Jones (Frank Davis Light), Ezekial Emanual (Jeremiah Wright Light) and God knows who running around the White House setting policy for this almost infantile President.
All of this was just preamble. I'm getting ready to retire and I want a new job. Are there any Czar openings available?