Czar Nicholas II
I've got a new name for Obama's Czars. I call them "targets." You all probably thought that Czars were harmless placeholders in the administration. I don't really remember where the practice started but I do recall someone being a "drug czar" years ago.
So some dude with a weird title and no power is going to somehow influence the nation and get all the bad people off of drugs. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. It makes for good sound bites if nothing more. The drug czar says drugs are bad so don't ingest them. That's pretty reasonable however stupid. But like anything in government, Czars have evolved into something more than figureheads.
So along comes the Messiah but he's got a small problem. He's been hanging out with excrement while building a non-record to run on. You know some of them. Bill Ayers, Jerry Wright and Frank Davis and others of that ilk which happens to be HATE AMERICA ilk. Junior wants to stuff his administration/cabinet full of great minds like the aforementioned but he knows he can't get them confirmed in the Senate so he creates the innocuous-sounding czar-ships.
Van Jones is just the tip of a really LARGE iceberg. Most Americans who don't foam at the mouth wouldn't associate with many of Obama's czars. That is, if you have parents or grandparents you want to survive this presidency. Rahm Emanuel's brother Ezekial doesn't want to send your family to a gas chamber so he, along with the Congress, came up with the Death Panels. How nice! Granny needs some new teeth. Screw her! Give a grilled cheese sandwich to gum and a pill to make her feel good. Much cheaper than new dentures. Of course Ezekial is AGAINST euthanasia. Here. Read this. It's long and complicated and you'll probably die of boredom before you finish it. It's about alternatives to living. Talk about change you can believe in!
OK. So I'm all over the map with my healthy hatred for this President and his end-run around the laws of our nation. Czars need to be OUTLAWED. Czars are in place because Obama is in over his head. This guy couldn't run a lemonade stand much less your nation. He's actually smart enough to have a Clint Eastwood moment. "A man's got to know his limitations." He knows he's not capable so he attempted to surround himself with the same kind of people who advised him throughout his life. So now you have Van Jones (Frank Davis Light), Ezekial Emanual (Jeremiah Wright Light) and God knows who running around the White House setting policy for this almost infantile President.
All of this was just preamble. I'm getting ready to retire and I want a new job. Are there any Czar openings available?