Saturday, August 8, 2009

Naturalized Citizen's Letter to

Even the Bros are mad at the Messiah

To Whom It May Concern;

As a former Soviet citizen who came here and discovered what true liberty and freedom is, I am shocked and outraged at what I have seen happening in this country over the last six months. While you people including your cowardly leader and multiple Czars have been propagandizing this nation that you only have our best interests at heart, I am going to speak plainly and succinctly, in other words, Let me be very Clear, I know the difference. I know what falsehoods you people are spreading. I have lived under communism and I know at very core of my heart what it is. This entire regime of usurpers from whoever is reading this to the foreign impostor from Indonesia is shredding my Constitution (I became a citizen in 1970) and literally ignoring it by committing high crimes and treason. This goes along with your ever precious Marxist Congress and Senate. This includes the moderate alleged conservative Republicans. Treason against the People of the United States.

Need I remind you that you people were hired by the people of the United States of America and swore an oath to PRESERVE and PROTECT the Constitution of the United States of America. How dare you accuse us of being Nazis, and terrorists. As American citizens, we demand the same respect that you give the terrorists who wish to destroy this nation. How dare you treat us with the contempt that you show us by treating us as the enemy of this nation. We elected you and nothing that you and your minions, thugs and criminal agitators (racist Black Panthers, La Raza), the unions will deter us from stopping your evil take over of this nation. Please remember one factor in your Soviet style regime, do remember what happened to the Czars of Russia, they were overthrown by the people.

While it has yet to happen, understand, the American people because of their belief in all things that are good and righteous have always done things that no other nation has done. We have demonstrated that liberty is an unalienable right, freedom brings prosperity and while we may have been asleep at the wheel, thanks to your attempts, we have woken up. The giant may have been caught with his pants down, but we are wide awake and are not as stupid, nor are we as ignorant as you arrogantly think we are. This has been the mistake of all despots who have tried to destroy this nation. You are now attempting to forcibly shut us down by eliminating our First Amendment Rights that are guaranteed under law by the Constitution of the United States of America and you will have a fight on your hands. Americans will not sit idly by and allow usurpers and criminals in getting the upper hand. We are not weak Russians or other third world citizens who don't have the testicular fortitude because all our lives we have lived under another despot regime. No, we have been a free people and in less than 200 years become the greatest nation in the history of World Civilization. The worlds history is made up of despots who now usurp the office of the president and they, as history records, have always been defeated.

So, in conclusion, please take my email address and look to see if you can find me. I will not be signing my name boldly, for one reason only. As a former Marxist, I know how lazy and unproductive you people are and that your only way to success is through embellishment, deceit and wealth is procured through theft of other people who work hard and actually achieve something. Therefore I am going to make it so that you must work to find me. You will need to put some effort into knowing my name and where I live. As a very good friend of mine stated, game on. So, in closing I will simply sign my name in code.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Unanswered Questions

Lisa and Laura Ling

I probably won't make any friends with this post. Do I care? NO! It's my job to ask the tough questions and find the angle that everyone else misses. Today I'm going to rain on the homecoming parade.

Amidst the hysteria and tears of the welcome home party for our two intrepid "journalists" there remains the question of WHY these women were sneaking around N. Korea in the first place. What kind of lunatic sends a couple of arguably, twits, on such an assignment? Since they both work for Current TV which was founded and is owned in part by Al Gore, you have to conclude that he approved this clandestine operation.

The United States and S. Korea are technically still in a state of war with the Norks. That being the case, a couple of idiots in civilian attire sneaking into an enemy's country with the intention of recording and reporting is considered SPYING. Now I'm not up to date on current international law but it is true that we executed spies as recently as WWII when they landed on beaches on the East Coast. That makes a sentence of 12 years in a labor camp seem like a paltry punishment by comparison.

OK. We're all happy that our girls avoided the slammer but it's time to face the music here at home. I suggest that both of these morons and their boss, the grinning Jackal, Al Gore, be hauled into an interrogation room where they can collectively explain why they undertook this disastrous mission which served only to embarrass our Nation, not to mention former President Bill Clinton who looked like he was in agony the entire time he was in N. Korea. And while they are at it, I'd like to see the "journalistic credentials" of the two "reporters" for Current TV. I somehow doubt that being the sister of Lisa Ling qualifies Laura Ling and her puny pal.

Now I'd be remiss if I didn't personally acknowledge the contributions of Bill Clinton in securing the release of the two Gorons. Many cons don't like Bill but I've admired him ever since he threw Gore under the bus in 2000. I just wish Big Al had been on the plane so Clinton could have given him the boot as he started down the stairs.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Satirical Guest Post from PDNS

PD News Service

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Christmas in April

New York, NY (PDNN) According to a highly placed and reliable source, Congressman Barney Frank, D-MA has introduced legislation to change Christmas day from December 25 to April 15th.

Our investigative operatives have been able to confirm this by accessing a relatively obscure section of the Congressional Record that is commonly used by politicians as a “stealth” vehicle to have their legislation enacted without any scrutiny.

When confronted, House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer remarked: “Christmas is a traditional time of giving. We also give generously on April 15th, so in the interests of expediency it makes complete sense to combine both occasions into one that is more efficient.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA echoed Hoyer’s comments and added: “The combining of these days into one holiday will allow businesses and factories to remain open on December 25th and since they already stay open on April 15th, we will all profit because companies will not have to pay employees for staying home on a December day and being unproductive”

A full vote in the House has been scheduled on Friday afternoon, prior to the members returning to their home districts for the summer recess.

***PDNS Copywrite 2009 This news article may not be copied or republished in part or in whole without the expressed written permission of the PDNS, SKNS, Moto News or other affiliated organizations belonging to the PD News Network. Don’t make us sue you so bad that your ancestors will feel it.