Who exactly is currently President of the United States? Lest you think I'm some kind of fool, let's explore some history.
For many years, Americans suffered through what was called "The Rehnquist Court." I say suffered not because the Chief Justice wasn't a full-blown conservative, I merely point out that the single most powerful Justice was Sandra Day O'Connor. She was the so-called "swing vote" and she alone held the power to rewrite the Constitution of the United States. To this day, I'm not sure that she had the intellectual capacity to understand the power she held in her hands.
Today, we have the "Roberts Court" which is to say the "Kennedy Court" since Justice Anthony Kennedy holds the "swing vote." This clown has a warped view of law and considers European Law to be superior to American Law and he cites it in his off-record opinions. Thank God he was on Anti-depressants when he voted to uphold the Second Amendment as an individual right or we'd be headed down the road to Nazism rather than simple Socialism.
The point I'm making is that we now have a rather strange Presidency. We have a President who was described by the brilliant Charles Krauthammer as "never having run a candy store."
In other words, the failure of our President to build a resume of management has manifested itself with rather frightening clarity as his nominations of tax-cheats, lobbyists and Clinton retreads pile up. This guy isn't fit to run a 7-11.
As the broken campaign promises heap up only a few weeks into his Presidency, one has to wonder who is minding the store? The first clues are finally appearing. The "stimulus bill" was concocted and passed by the freakazoids, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. There isn't a chance in hell that Obama has any CLUE as to what's in it.
How can I say that? I say that because it's 1,100 pages that nobody can read in a few hours. Obama is a charlatan. He's a celebrity, not a leader and he knows it. He's in over his head so he's given up his power to those who know how to work within the system and manipulate it. He's on the road running a campaign instead of the office.
I think the bumbling Obama could have been an OK President. Despite his complete lack of understanding of history and economics, he might have muddled his way through a few years of liberal stupidity until people realized he's underpowered in the brain department like Jimmy Carter. But Obama's biggest mistake is turning the Government over to Reid and Pelosi. It would be hard to find two more moribund politicians than those two.
I look forward to four years of this screw-up. He's going to be worth his weight in gold for laughs. That is, if the real Presidents, Reid and Pelosi, don't destroy our country first.