Saturday, September 6, 2008

You Did That?

As much as I hate pop culture, I'm still not 100% immune to it. Nor should I be as it drives much of American culture. Witness the rapper Barack Obama running for President, a man who was "selected" rather than "elected" by popular vote. Note to Bush Haters: Your words are coming back to haunt you. Hillary got more popular votes than Nicotine/Cocaine Man.

Ok. That was a fun little rant but I'm here to talk about Sarah Palin and Barack Obama. Fanny reminded me of a rather obscure comment made by Simon Cowell on Britain's Got Talent. He looked at Paul Potts, a budding opera singer and said: "So you work at CarPhone Warehouse and you did that!" (This is going somewhere so please stay with me.)

I've watched Sarah Palin in action for a few days and the reaction is just like Cowell's. Quoting Fanny here: "So you were Mayor of a small Alaska town and you did that!" Yes she did on Wednesday but we continued to watch her and she did it again and again. Sarah's no rapper but she's definitely a rock star. I'd venture to say that she could fill a mall in Europe with adoring fans ala the Messiah. And she's got something else going for her other than a crisp, eloquent speaking style. She's HOT and lacks the jug-ears of the former "community organizer" who uh...helped people who were displaced when they lost their jobs at a steel mill.

Because Captain Push always looks for the "angle" everyone else has missed, I'll ask the question that hasn't been asked and probably never will be of B.O. What exactly did he do that "helped" the poor, laid-off workers? BO can't produce a single recipient of his largess or time because, simply put, he didn't do a damn thing. That's what community organizers do. They do nothing unless they stop a Hazardous Waste incinerator or a Prison from being built in their "hoods."

Barack Obama spent years kissing the collective asses of the Chicago Machine. That's all.

And as an observer of American culture I'll also ask him this: "So you went to Chicago and you did that?"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can't Teach an Old Demo New Dirty Tricks

Captain Push likes to save face whenever possible. That's why your not-so-humble blogger refrains from making public predictions which could come back to haunt him. I keep my gut instincts to myself for the most part, except when I share them with a few other hard-line Conservatives.

Last night I made a prediction: This morning I shared that prediction with my friends which doesn't include most of you by the way. (I'm no John McCain) Here's what I said in a moment of epiphany:

When Sarah Palin hits the talk-show circuit/campaign trail, she will be blind-sided by "gotcha" punk wannabe interviewers with the following type of question: "Who is the Prime Minister of Tonga?" I know that sounds far-fetched but it's an old Dirty Trick from the old bag of Dirty Tricks leftist "reporters" reach into when trying to smear a Conservative candidate.

Within a couple of hours after emailing my thoughts, Howard Wolfson, Hillary sycophant extroadinaire made the following (paraphrased) comment. "When she gets out on the campaign trail and someone asks her who the President of Azerbaijan is and she doesn't know...etc." It's an old trick from an old Demo dog. Thanks for sharing that Howard but we already know that it's politics/dirty tricks as usual from the left. So much for Hope and Change.

The left has already tried the "DUI" dirty trick on Palin's husband. So this guy Todd Palin picked up a ticket around the same time Obama was stuffing his very large nostrils with cocaine. The last time anybody checked, Todd Palin wasn't running for public office. So how about some fairness here? How much cocaine did you stuff your brain with Obama?
Don Imus has it right for once and I'm sure this will come out in some interview with Sarah Palin.
"Is it true you shot Bullwinkle?" Palin should answer: "No, actually it was Bambi." She should be ready for any dirty trick the flesh-eating, left-wing reporters try to pull on her.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Stuck on Stupid

One of my favorite quotes is this gem from Lt. General Russell L. Honore during the aftermath of Hurricana Katrina. "Don't get stuck on stupid," He admonished reporters while Hurricane Rita bore down on the Gulf coast. Sadly, the reporters validated themselves as stupid in spite of his pithy admonition.

And reporters and pundits continue to amaze us with their vacuous, insipid comments. Setting aside the toilet bowl of MSNBC which is the main recepticle for television filth, there's no shortage of bizarre pronunciations emanating from CNN and FoxNews. Give CNN a pass because they have the resident idiot Larry King and we expect crummy interviews from Turner's bunch but what about Fox? Do we really need to extend the stench of Alan Colmes to the weekend Beltway Boys?

Yes, I'm talking about Mort Kondracke. Fox routinely puts on DemoCranks like Bob Beckel but at least Beckel is an HONEST Kool-Aide drinker. Mort wants to be taken as a serious pundit but his poisonous agenda is finally clear. His recent proclamation that Senator Jesus Obama is "experienced" because he has "run a campaign" and that makes him qualified to be President is silly and over the top for a seasoned commentator. In fact, according to Kondracke, running a campaign is all the resume one needs to assume the highest office in the land. Running a state with a multi-billion dollar budget is just wallpaper for Sarah Palin. Note to Mort: Obama runs nothing. David Axelrod runs the Obama campaign.

Mort Kondracke has gotten stuck on stupid. The last time this happened on Fox, somebody fired Neal Gabler. Good riddance and kudos to Roger Ailes for good housekeeping. Kondracke's slobbering allegiance to the Messiah needs to be dealt with similarly. Need further proof? Mort blamed Sarah Palin for her daughter's pregnancy because she "approves of abstinence." Fox can't keep its standing if it continues to provide a platform for nutcases. Mort Kondracke's personal resume doesn't absolve him from his descent into DailyKos ruminations. He has to go.

And if you think "running a campaign" is all the experience you need to be President, you need to go too because you're stuck on stupid.