As much as I hate pop culture, I'm still not 100% immune to it. Nor should I be as it drives much of American culture. Witness the rapper Barack Obama running for President, a man who was "selected" rather than "elected" by popular vote. Note to Bush Haters: Your words are coming back to haunt you. Hillary got more popular votes than Nicotine/Cocaine Man.
Ok. That was a fun little rant but I'm here to talk about Sarah Palin and Barack Obama. Fanny reminded me of a rather obscure comment made by Simon Cowell on Britain's Got Talent. He looked at Paul Potts, a budding opera singer and said: "So you work at CarPhone Warehouse and you did that!" (This is going somewhere so please stay with me.)
I've watched Sarah Palin in action for a few days and the reaction is just like Cowell's. Quoting Fanny here: "So you were Mayor of a small Alaska town and you did that!" Yes she did on Wednesday but we continued to watch her and she did it again and again. Sarah's no rapper but she's definitely a rock star. I'd venture to say that she could fill a mall in Europe with adoring fans ala the Messiah. And she's got something else going for her other than a crisp, eloquent speaking style. She's HOT and lacks the jug-ears of the former "community organizer" who uh...helped people who were displaced when they lost their jobs at a steel mill.
Because Captain Push always looks for the "angle" everyone else has missed, I'll ask the question that hasn't been asked and probably never will be of B.O. What exactly did he do that "helped" the poor, laid-off workers? BO can't produce a single recipient of his largess or time because, simply put, he didn't do a damn thing. That's what community organizers do. They do nothing unless they stop a Hazardous Waste incinerator or a Prison from being built in their "hoods."
Barack Obama spent years kissing the collective asses of the Chicago Machine. That's all.
And as an observer of American culture I'll also ask him this: "So you went to Chicago and you did that?"